Eat radical: Inside Vinland, the only 100-percent local restaurant in the world (located here in Maine!)

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In Portland, farm-to-table restaurants with eat-local missions are more common than a pair of Bean Boots. So perhaps it was inevitable that our neighbors to the north would push the concept even further. Chef David Levi’s passion project, Vinland, which turns one this month, features 100 percent locally sourced ingredients—which means that citrus, black pepper, and olive oil are all banned. With the exception of wine and coffee, everything used at Vinland comes from Maine.

I had a wonderful time hanging out with chef David Levi for this article, which was just published in the January issue of Boston Magazine. I really love writing about food—almost as much as I love eating it. That turnip soup? It’s fantastic. Tangy, rich, comforting, fresh, so good (no wonder it’s Levi’s signature dish). Read the full piece here. 

Photographs by the amazing Greta Rybus

Portland Pillow Fight Day.

I don’t often post about work on here, but I am particularly excited about the success of our first ever Portland Pillow Fight Day! For the past few months, I’ve been working on organizing and promoting the event (along with my awesome coworkers) and it was really satisfying to see it go off so well. I’m still really new to Maine, but I love it here so much—it’s the kind of place where Pillow Fight Day seems natural, a perfect fit for the community. Anyway, I was really happy to be part of it, and super proud of everyone who helped out. I was also REALLY psyched to see myself on camera being normal (and not a sweaty pile of nerves). Watch me talk about Pillow Fight Day at The Portland Press Herald.