Read books, drink wine.

Bookyard-1Ghent is already on my travel lust list, but when I heard about the pop-up library located in a vineyard… well, let’s just say it jumped a few notches. In the immortal words of Liz Lemon, “I want to go to there.” Books and wine? What a lovely idea.

But even more lovely is the entire pop-up library concept. I’ve blogged before about mini-libraries, where books are made free to the public in microspaces like phone booths or bus stops, but a writer at GOOD has rounded up four great projects from around the world, from Israel’s outdoor information sharing program for refugees to Mexico’s free traveling library. More good stuff here.

I Love Public Art.

Architect John Locke not only has an awesome name (okay, I wasn’t that into the philosopher, but I did just start re-watching Lost and I’m totally team Locke), he’s also a very cool dude. He must be, since he designed this amazing project: a communal lending library, tucked into obsolete phone booths. The plywood shelves can be installed in any phone booth, and are filled with books, which passersby can borrow, exchange, or take for keepsies. Operating on the honor principle, they not only look cool, but also help disseminate knowledge in a weird, slightly haphazard way.

I would love to see something like this in Boston or Cambridge. I feel like it would really thrive here! Can someone make that happen, please?

See more pictures at Design Bloom.